Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So we have spent five fun filled, non-stop action days in Egypt! We have done so much already we both feel we could leave today and feel like we have seen everything this amazing country has to offer.

We landed in Cairo, did the Pyramids, the Ancient Egyptian Museum (where we saw King Tut), we have rode camels through the Sahara (twice), eaten dinner with a Nubian family, wandered around the temples of Philea Abu Simbal (30 km from the border of Sudan) and Edfu and last night we slept on a Feluka, which is a traditional sailboat of the Nile. We both swam in the Nile and last night we even were cought in a HUGE sandstorm, a very interesting experience in its own!

The people of this country are amazing. They are kind, hardworkers who live such a different lifestyle we are used to back home. As far as safety goes, neither of us at any point have felt any sense of danger or nerves. Like I said, the people here are very kind. It is not uncommon for people to walk up to us just to ask us where we are from and to welcome us to Egypt. Children always wave out our bus as we drive by with huge smiles on their face.

As far as pictues go, the computers here are slightly arcaic and we cannot get pictures up! Although I promise we have a million fantastic ones already! I will keep working to try and get a post of a few of the best, including some pictures from Ios, the Greek island we stayed at before we came to Egypt! We shall post again soon!!!!

1 comment:

V and M said...

Sounds like the adventure continues to rock! What's next on the itinerary? I'm so happy you're having such a great experience with the locals. That truly is what traveling is about!