Tuesday, May 26, 2009

If it is Tuesday it must be Belgium!

EU Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium...future workplace?

The Fairytale canals of Brugges

The Tower In Brugges!

Spring Brugges Canal

A Belgian Waffle, some Belgian Fries, and a Couple of 10% Belgian Beers...ah Belgium

How Berlin has transformed the Berlin Wall "Death Zone".

(20 years ago you would have been shot her

The Bunderstrat (Upper House of German Govt

Berlin Wall

West/East of the Wall

Memorial to the Jewish Victims of the Holocaust

The Brandenburg Gate
Here is a quick pictue blog of our time in Berlin and Belgium. We cant believe we have only a week left! Hope you enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

V and M said...

I loved Brugge. I have great memories of my time there. I wonder if the Bauhaus youth hotel is still around? It was a great place to stay and the spagetti was awesome! My time in Berlin was very different than your experience. The wall was still up and I had to pass through "checkpoint Charlie" to go to East Berlin. It was my first exposure to the Eastern block. The Brandenburg Gate still had the wall dividing it. I haven't been back since the wall came down. What a vibrant city it has become once more. What a trip you guys are having!!!!