Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Buenos Noches

Hello! We arrived at our Hostel just a few minutes ago and are about to run out for some food, but I wanted to post really quickly that TRAVELING IS AMAZING!! We landed in Barcelona and got on a bus to our hostel where we promptly met 2 other Americans, one from Michigan and another from Vermont, heading to our same destination. The guy from Michigan was really cool (the girl from Vermont not so much) and right off the bat we struck up great conversation about where to go and what to see. He just finished his birth right trip to Isreal so we were able to ask him all about that because Trev and I really want to go there as well. So awesome. We´re so fired up to meet more travelers along the way. More to come...bye for now!


V and M said...

You guys will find that info from other travelers is the secret to travel. Everyone has stories to share of places they've been to and the best things to do for great prices. Man, you guys are taking me back to my early days of backpacking around Europe. That experience really was the inspiration for all the travel and adventure I do now (and somehow made a career out of it!)
Soak it ALL up guys!!! It's sooooooo much fun! But I don't need to tell you that're living it right now!!!

MotherShip said...

Amen to that! I am remembering my days of hosteling and meeting kids from around the world every day. Learning about their lives and ideas was as much an education as the famous landmarks. South Africans (Apartheid), Israelis (Kibbutzim), Americans (Vietnam vets), Australians (able to keep traveling for years at a time!) all amazing. You are surrounded by good vibes and love from us all! Love from the MotherShip